Woodford Humane Society is a non-profit animal adoption center in Versailles, Kentucky. We pride ourselves on taking great care of pets in need from Woodford and surrounding counties. We’ve taken in thousands of animals since our founding in 1975, and we strive to find good, loving homes for all of them. Have questions that aren’t answered here? Contact us!

Questions & Answers

A: No. We receive no government funding at any level, which means that we rely 100% on private donations to continue helping Central Kentucky animals. Every dollar makes a difference!

A: Every aspect of our operation depends on private donations like yours! When you make a donation, you’re helping us with everything from cleaning supplies to utility bills to pet food. We operate on a tight budget to care for about 1,000 pets every year, and we do our very best to make your donation go as far as possible. We are also happy to accept in-kind donations of items like pet beds, blankets, leashes, and more, which we put directly to work keeping the pets in our care happy, healthy, and comfortable. Read more about ways to donate here, or check out our Wish List here.

A: Yes. We are proud to maintain a placement rate of over 95%, and no animal is ever at risk due to space, age, breed, or length of stay. In the rare instances where we do have to make the decision to euthanize, that decision is only ever prompted by severe temperament and/or health issues that we cannot safely and humanely address.

A: We take in around 1,000 animals each year. On any given day, we will typically have 100-200 animals in our care.

A: Our online pet listing is updated automatically, so they stay up to date within 24 hours of any changes. If you have questions about any of our pets, the quickest way to get an answer is to call us: 859.873.5491

A: We are currently doing adoptions by appointment; when your appointment is booked, one pet will be placed on hold for you until your scheduled visit. Appointments may be booked up to 3 days in advance. If you cancel your appointment or opt not to adopt at that time, the pet in question will no longer be on hold for you and may be adopted by another home.

A: We are currently doing adoptions by appointment, but in some cases same-day appointments may be available! Click here for more information on the appointment process. Once your application is approved, you are able to take home a pet at the time of your appointment.

A: Of course! There is a misconception that pit bulls are the only dogs available in adoption centers, but we care for a huge variety of sizes, ages, and breeds every day. Pure-bred dogs are not uncommon. For the record, though, we love our pit bulls as much as any other dog that comes through our door, and they are just as wonderful and worthy of forever homes.

A: In the majority of cases, pets are given up because of problems in their previous owners’ lives, not because of anything they have done. The most common reason for surrender, by far, is that the owner is moving, and pets are not allowed at their new location. Pets are often surrendered because the owner cannot afford their care, or is not willing or able to provide training or veterinary care. Often, people take on the responsibility of a pet and later realize they don’t have the time in their daily lives to do it right. Sometimes a pet’s owner passes away, or their health prevents them from continuing to care for their pet. In all of these cases and many more, the pet is simply caught in the middle of an unfortunate situation.

Long story short, most of the pets at organizations like ours are healthy, friendly, and have some degree of training. They’re just good pets waiting for a second chance.

A: Spay and neuter surgeries are included in our adoption fees, and they are required. Pet homelessness is driven by overpopulation, and we do not allow our pets to contribute to the problem. These surgeries also benefit the pets: being fixed dramatically reduces cancer risk, as well as reducing territorial aggression and the drive to escape and roam, both of which can be very dangerous to both pets and people. Learn more here.

A: Click here to learn more about surrender procedures. Surrenders are by appointment only; to schedule an appointment please call the Adoption Center at 859.873.5491.

A: Not every pet is right for a foster home, but we do depend on fosters to help pets who need extra care – for example, nursing moms, bottle babies, and pets recovering from injury and/or serious medical procedures. Fostering is a strictly temporary situation; before taking on the role of a foster parent, you must understand that foster pets are not on hold during their foster period and can be adopted at any time. If you are more interested in finding a forever pet, our Foster to Adopt program might be a better fit for you.

A: Volunteers must be 18 or older and able to commit to a minimum of 4 hours a month for 6 months. If that’s you, click here to learn more! Volunteer Orientations are required for new volunteers and volunteers who have been inactive for a year or more.

A: For safety and insurance reasons, on-site volunteers are limited to animal lovers 18 years and up. But there are other ways for kids to help! Click here for some suggestions to get you started.

A: Any available positions will be posted on Indeed. Click here to see what is currently available!

A: Contact the animal control agency of the county in which you found the pet right away – that gives pet and owner the best chance of being reunited. Animal control agencies and veterinarians will also be able to check the pet for a microchip.

Woodford Humane Society is not an animal control agency, we are an adoption agency only. We cannot accept found animals. If you have found a pet in Woodford County, please contact Woodford County Animal Control: 859.879.0598

Once the found pet has spent a minimum of five days with Animal Control, giving its owner the opportunity to reclaim it, it will be available for adoption. We pull unclaimed animals from Woodford County Animal Control every Monday. We will only decline to accept an animal from Woodford County Animal Control if temperament prevents the animal from being handled safely.

A: Contact the animal control agency of the county in which the pet was lost right away and file a detailed missing report. It may be advisable to contact and/or visit the agency daily to see if your pet has been found and brought in. Woodford Humane Society is not an animal control agency (in Woodford County, contact Woodford County Animal Control: 859.879.0598) but we will be glad to take a missing report from you as well.

If the missing pet is microchipped, contact the microchip company and make sure your contact information is current and correct on the registration. If the chip is not registered to you, the facility where the microchip was implanted may be contacted if the chip is scanned. Notify the veterinarian or rescue that provided the chip and provide your contact information.

Make posters and go door to door. It’s old-fashioned, but it works. Many pets do not stray far from home and may be found nearby.

Additional help may be found online; many communities exist on social media that spread the word about found and missing pets in order to help reunite pets and families.

A: Unfortunately, Woodford Humane Society can’t do much in this situation, as our staff are not trained or certified to handle wildlife and we do not have a veterinarian on site. Kentucky Fish and Wildlife maintains a list of wildlife rehabilitators who may be able to help.

A: We have a low-cost spay and neuter voucher program in place to assist low-income families, made possible by the support of our participating veterinarians. If you need assistance having your pet fixed, start by filling out this questionnaire.

A: No. We do not have a veterinarian on staff, and we are only able to provide basic medical care for current Woodford Humane Society animals. Please schedule an appointment with a professional for your pet’s veterinary needs! If you’re unable to afford the full price of vaccinations, check with local veterinary clinics – some run one or more low-cost shot clinics annually.

Phone: 859-873-5491
Fax: 859-873-0301


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