Kenpuppy Derby
May 4 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Join us for the Waddle for the Roses and watch a field of adoptable racers wander their way toward the finish line! Plus Derby-themed games and activities including a hat contest, scavenger hunt, and more. Just $5 to play all morning! The fun begins at 10:00 am, post time is 11:00 am, and we’ll be all wrapped up by noon – so you’ll still have plenty of time to get ready for that other Derby.
Please Note: There is a chance we will have to cancel the Kenpuppy Derby again this year. This is our only event that depends on our ability to house and hold several puppies for 6-8 weeks, and with overcrowding continuing to consistently pack our kennel far past its capacity, we may not have the space to do that. We hope this fun and family-friendly event will get to return this year, but we can’t make promises until closer to Derby Day. Thanks in advance for your understanding.